The Underberg-Himeville Trout Fishing Club
The Club

The Underberg-Himeville Trout Fishing Club was founded in 1954 by a group of concerned farmers who wished to make the fishing on their properties available to the general public.

At the moment the Club controls about 16 still waters and 14 river beats over 60km on the Umzimkulu and Pholela Rivers. The dams are stocked regularly with rainbow trout and, in some of the dams, with 10% brown trout. The river population of rainbow trout is self-sustaining and in equilibrium, which means that the river fishing is completely natural and that the fish are wild. Some of the still waters have bass populations. Once stocked in the dams the fish are left to fend for themselves and in effect become wild trout. The angler therefore has to use all his skill and cunning to catch them. On most dams the Club has boats available for anglers at no extra charge.

All fishing takes place on private farms and there are strict rules governing the behaviour of members and visitors alike so that the land owners are inconvenienced as little as possible and their interests and farming activities are fully protected. The still waters are open for fishing every day of the year, but there is a closed season on the rivers from 15 May to 31 August every year. The closure dates may be amended in times of severe drought, when low water levels make fishing difficult or impossible.

There are vacancies for members and anyone who wishes to apply is welcome to contact the Club by e-mail, fax or telephone.

Go Fishing!

Getting ready for an early morning Goxhill session.
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